As we find ourselves in midst of the Coronavirus we should turn to pineapple for a helping hand. I know, I know… Ya all probably think this is trash talk but hear me out. I have three specific reasons why pineapple should be the fruit mascot for all things Covid-19. You ready?
Respiratory Health
Pineapple is rich in Bromelian which is an enzyme with a positive record for treating upper respiratory track infections. Several studies including “The Use of Bromelain in Pneumological Therapy” published in 1978, as well as the 1967 publication of “A Double-Blind Clinical Evaluation of Bromelains in the Treatment of Acute Sinusitis” both reported effective results in treating respiratory illnesses. For those suffering from pneumonia and bronchitis, bromelain can apparently help suppress coughs and reduce sputum which is the mucus-y stuff coughed up from the respiratory track. Bromelain is reported to decrease such secretions, helping to increase the capacity and function of the lungs! Holla! Additionally, pineapple is loaded in vitamin C and manganese which are essential for antioxidant defense. In short, that means immunity boosting nutrients, and with Coronavirus cases continuing to rise, this is the time to feed your body with nourishment that might literally help you or a loved one fight for their life.
Granted, pineapple is no substitute for medical intervention but right now we are in a time of uncertainty and medicines with a cure are still being researched. If there is one take away we can all observe right now, it’s that those with compromised immune systems and underlying health condition are facing greater risks against this virus. We don’t have all the answers as to how we as a people get sick, but we do have a lot of them. Heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure are illnesses threaten by the Covid-19 and all of which correlate back to diet. Now has never been a better time to take a good hard look at what we are eating and take a proactive step toward improving our health. I know this virus has us feeling as though life is out of control but this is something you can do. You can make pineapple part of your diet. It's quite possible this fruit can help and if nothing else, we can at least trust that it won’t hurt.
2. Pineapple Propagation
That’s right folks! Growing food should at least be in the back of everyone’s mind. I don’t want to be an alarmist but when you hear stories about global border closures, record plunges of the stock market, collapsing healthcare systems, and a growing viral pandemic, it’s a bit naive to assume all will turn-out rosy. Shit is going down right now and our leadership is floundering. And this is not a political statement. This is just glaringly obvious by every single Facebook or Instagram post highlighting the states of panic, depression, concern and ambivalence rampant among us. People don’t know what to do and what’s worse is management of every kind seems just as clueless.
But folks, I have some news for you. If you find yourself waiting to be lead forward by anyone in a “crisis”, the joke’s on you. There is no white knight. No hero is at the helm standing watch, waiting for the right moment to lift you from the storm. YOU are the only one that can do that, and the sooner you come to terms with this sad misfortune the better off you’ll be. Let that sink in for a bit. There is a good change you won’t get it right now but I promise you that at some point it will click and rather than some enlightened awakening, you might experience something more akin to a great thaw. It wasn’t enlightening to learning that I was single-handedly patching cracks in our system so my family,( myself included) could remain afloat. The legal system demanded my parents receive care (Read About page) which personally hamstrung me to the broken healthcare system. Naturally that then tethered me to the financial system. And then that system fettered me to the welfare system. And then that system, to the food system.. You see where I’m going with this? You might remember my old posts about needing new glasses, getting by on $50 a week (for me and my dad), or just wanting a hair cut… It was an extremely rough time made rougher by isolation. But guess what? No hero in sight except, m y s e l f…
{Insert the epic “thaw” here. }
For the first time in probably two or three years I saw the true reality of the situation. It was my shit sandwich and I had to swallow it. We all know that expression “to eat shit” but until the load is on your plate, the magnitude of the task ahead is peripheral. Well, that shit was not peripheral. That shit, was a diarrhea of a shit and it was front and center. It was the cold, and cruel reality of a dangerous uncertainty and no sooner did I choke it down, did the ice begin to melt. First, my eyes cleared and I started taking in the big picture. Then the rage formed, just as I started to shake my shoulders lose. By the time I could free my elbows, I was ready to throw punches. But the punches never came. Turns out hands are harbingers for solutions and as soon as mine were loose they were called to action. I started cranking out spoons to help supply us with more income. And I started reading the Wall Street Journal to better understand the f’ing stock market. Financial security was food security and I realized the risk of having only one pillar in play. You follow me?
The whole point of this rant is to shake you out of your ice. Do not allow yourself to become frozen in place, paralyzed by the news and your new found circumstance. Think forward. Think ahead and prepare now. Start a garden if you can. We’ve just entered Spring and the ground is ripe for new seeds. No room for a garden? Try a container version instead, or just a single plant. We literally Do. Not. Know. What. Is. Going. To. Happen! So, let’s be a little proactive. At best, growing some of our own food makes us individually more sustainable. At worst we have a sad little plant that produced nothing but root rot. Either way it’s win-win. This provides you something purposeful to do with your new home-bound life as well as a new found respect for the hard working farmers that keeps us fed!
As for the pineapple, it’s just easy to propagate. You can just get one at the store (assuming they remain available) , cut the top off, and plop it right into the soil and it will grow. It does take a while but it’s seriously easy. Mine grew (I have two) and I was far less methodical with my attempt than the link above. They also work in pots and if it doesn’t fruit, it still looks good. This might be your first step in having a Victory Garden. Why not get a jump?